After graduate school at OSU, I have made my home in Oregon where I was a statistics professor at another OSU (with the same team colors). More about such things later. After one year in Corvallis, Oregon, I married Susan who was a senior then at Oregon State. She is a remarkable woman who, among other accomplishments, went on to impressive career things, including: high school girls tennis coach with 2 state championships, a busy travel agent, and finally a flight attendant for American Airlines starting at an unusually mature age. We had 2 children who are now in their mid-30s (update: now around 40) and both married recently. Brad is a high-school math teacher in NYC and Cindy has done property management and related sales work in Portland (update 2013: she is now a dental hygienist). We also did considerable travel, and continue that in our retirement.
I first studied engineering through an MS and then changed to statistics, mainly at Stillwater. At Oregon State I was in the Statistics Department for about 25 years. Following that I stumbled onto a second career as statistician at the Radiation Effects Research Foundation in Hiroshima, which follows up the A-bomb survivors for health effects — most importantly excess cancer (these data provide the primary information for cancer risks of radiation in medicine and the environment). We started this gradually while at OSU, with two 2-year visits there, when the children were in elementary and later middle/high school at international schools in Hiroshima and Kobe. Sue had a great time with expat and Japanese friends during those years, as did I, and it was a terrific experience for our children — a most wonderful chapter in our lives. When I returned to work there for the third time in 1992, I just never returned to my OSU position as planned, and lived in Hiroshima for about 12 more years. The children were in university in the US by then, and after a few years Sue lived mainly in the US so she could work — then taking up the flight attendant positions. We both traveled a lot and spent about half our time together someplace or other. In 2005 we fully returned to Oregon, Portland this time, where I wanted no real job any more but spend time at the medical university OHSU there. We also spend 3-4 months each year in Denmark and Italy, where I collaborate on research and Sue enjoys relaxing in the cultures there. Sad ending — Don died on 7 July 2022 in Portland OR trying to defend an older person being attacked at a bus stop on 26 June 2022.