About EHS

This following information and images were suplied, in part, by the Enid Public Schools (EPS), Amber Gerald Fiitzgerald, Public Relations Director.

Further research, edits and copy upates courtesty Jerry Kunkel.
If you have any comments, suggestions or questions, contact Jerry Kunkel, 580-234-8400

Enid Public Schools Update:

In August of 2008, Enid Public Schools faced a number of challenges and opportunities. Its buildings – an average of 70 years old – continued to be in significant need of repairs. The district was also experiencing an impressive student growth pattern, increasing enrollment by nearly 4 percent in just one year, a faster growth than any Tulsa-area district, including Jenks, Union or Broken Arrow.
At a crossroads, the district began a complete assessment of its facilities and student enrollment. A report by a professional facility-planning company found that seven out of ten elementary schools were over-capacity, even after the district adopted a middle school model, which moved the sixth-grade students to the middle schools. Enrollment projections indicated that more than 500 new elementary students would join the district by 2018. While this was great news for Enid, it also presented an even greater need for more classroom space.
Committed to addressing these concerns, the district appointed a committee of 35 community members who agreed to lend their time, expertise and opinions to develop a three-year plan to address building needs. They toured every school facility and debated every scenario that might resolve the problems. Ultimately, they selected a facility program that included upgrades for every district site, as well as the construction of two new elementary schools – the first since 1963. With their decision and a vote by the Board of Education, a $99.4 million bond issue was presented to voters – three times larger than any EPS request in history.
The torch was then passed to a campaign committee, which effectively communicated the vision for the community. By election day, hundreds of Enid residents were investing their time and hard work to help pass the bond issue — neighbors sharing with neighbors, young professionals promoting it using Facebook, businesses lending their resources, and parents holding signs of support on election day. It was truly a community effort.
The bond issue passed with 64%, and February 9 now marks a historic day for Enid. Two new elementary schools, improvements at all sites, new transportation and new technology – the work began the day after school was out this May, just like the school district promised.
A committee of local residents, education and business leaders invested 12 months exploring the needs of Enid Public Schools and possible solutions. A school facility company also examined every building and made recommendations for improvements. The community committee used this research to help make a plan for Enid’s future. Improvements include:

Adams:  New Cafeteria, Sidewalks, Brick Repair, Woodwork, Stage Curtains, Water Fountains, Fire Alarm, Electrical Upgrade, Heat & Air, Downspouts, Painting.

Carver:  East Entrance Canopy, Doors/Hardware, ADA Restrooms & Fixtures, Blinds, Windows, Flooring, Painting, Clean Brick, Fire Alarm

Coolidge:  Connecting Hallway, Restrooms, Enclose Corridor, Roofing, Painting, Blinds, Ceilings, Flooring, Fire Alarm, Hardware/Doors, Lighting, Heat & Air, Sidewalks, Stage Curtains, Electrical Upgrades.

Eisenhower:  Flooring, Paint Gym, Exterior Doors to Gym, Toilet Fixtures in Early Childhood & Gym Restrooms, Stage Curtains, Classroom Locks, Heat & Air, Electrical Upgrade, Drainage.

Garfield:  Replace with new 74,000 square-foot school.

Glenwood: Restrooms, Americans w/ Disability Act (ADA) Needs, Ceilings, Flooring, Painting, Red Schoolhouse Repairs, Repave Parking/Play Areas, Sidewalk Upgrades, Drainage, Classroom Storage, Exterior Doors, Door Hardware, Windows, Lighting, Electrical Upgrade, Fire Alarm, Stage Curtains, Heat & Air.

Hayes: Ceiling Tiles, Moisture Protection, Doors/Hardware, Flooring, Painting, Classroom Sinks & Counter tops, Lighting, Exterior Doors, Blinds, Windows, Resurface Play Area, Electrical Upgrade, Heat & Air, Stage Curtains

Hoover: Restrooms, ADA Needs, Flooring, Doors/Front Door, Fence for Playground, Repave East Parking Lot, Classroom Sink Replacement, Clean Brick, Pre-K Cubby Shelf, Windows, Ceiling Tiles, Library Bookshelves, Lighting, Painting, Stage Curtains, Heat & Air, Fire Alarm, Electrical Upgrade

McKinley: Drainage, Flooring, Painting, Lighting, Resurface Play Area, Doors/Locks, Sidewalk Repairs, Exterior Doors, Stage Curtains, Power Upgrade, Ceilings, Fire Alarm, Heat & Air, Electrical Upgrade

Monroe: Repair Parking Lot, Drainage, New Fence, Clean Brick, Windows, Doors/Hardware, Flooring, Painting, Heat & Air, Lighting, Restrooms, Exterior Doors, Sidewalks, Crack Repair, Heat & Air, Blinds, Classroom Sink Replacement, Electrical Upgrade, Stage Curtains

Taft: Restrooms, Sidewalks, Roofing, Heat & Air, Lighting, Stage Curtains, Painting, Flooring, Roofing Doors/Hardware, ADA Needs, Windows, Ceilings, Classroom Sink Replacement, Blinds, Electrical Upgrade

MIDDLE SCHOOLS (Junior High School)–

Emerson: Restrooms, ADA Needs, Parking, Roofing, Flooring, Repave Basketball Court, Exterior Doors, Ceilings, Painting, Heat & Air, Lighting, Water Fountains, Gym Flooring, Auditorium Seating, Science Lab Improvements, Electrical Upgrade, Fire Alarm, Stage Curtains, Sidewalks

Longfellow: Restrooms, Windows, Drainage, Roofing, Doors/Hardware, Asphalt & Concrete Paving, Renovate Science Classrooms, Flooring, Lockers, Signs, Auditorium Seating, Stage Curtains, Blinds, Plumbing, Heat & Air, Casework for Library and Art Classroom, ADA Needs, Lighting, Bleachers, Marker Boards, Ceilings, Fire Alarms, Electrical Upgrade, Repair Exterior Steps

Waller:  New Classroom Wing to Replace Portables, ADA Needs, Doors/Hardware, Flooring, Windows, Heat & Air, Restrooms, Lighting, Ceilings, Lockers, Repave Front Parking Lot, Sidewalks, Remove Paneling, Science Lab Improvements, Electrical Upgrade, Stage Curtains, Fire Alarm



Enid High:  Restrooms, Repave NW Parking Lot, Sidewalks, Site Drainage, Heat & Air, Science Room Renovations, Auditorium Renovations, Doors, Painting, Lockers, Cabinetry, Stage Curtains, Library Improvements, Flooring, Exterior Step Replacement, Brick Repair, Track Improvements


New Construction & Additions :
New elementary school to accommodate growth on Enid’s west side, New Garfield Elementary School to accommodate growth on Enid’s east side, Connecting hallway at Coolidge Elementary School, Classroom wing at Waller Middle School, Cafeteria at Adams Elementary School

Athletics & Music Education:
Selby Stadium—Press Box, Restrooms, Fencing, Concrete Repairs, Grandstands, Bleachers, Turf Music Education — Instrument Replacement




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